• 2022: big, beautiful, smart...

    Some people, a little annoying to be honest, give the impression of having been spoiled by nature: they have everything. If we take this anthropomorphism as far as wine is concerned, 2022 is unquestionably a "gifted" vintage: abundant, pleasant, with a beautiful structure... How can we explain it?

    The Season
    Harvest and Vinification
    Ageing in barrel and Character
    Tasting notes: Bourgognes and Villages
    Tasting notes: Premiers crus
    Tasting notes: Grands Crus and similar level wines
    All the News

    The season was marked by sunshine, heat and a water deficit.

    April and May were sunny and dry, allowing rapid vegetative development. Flowering went like clockwork at the end of May, which goes a long way towards explaining the vintage's earliness and high yields. June was also sunny on the whole, but the weather changed and a number of rainy spells put an end to the drought. The end of the month in particular saw very heavy rainfall totals, fortunately without any hail or flood damage in our areas. The rest of the summer was hot and dry, sometimes a little too much so, with a heatwave in mid-August that slowed down or blocked ripening.

    The harvest began on August 29 in excellent conditions:

    The weather was fine but not too hot, and the grapes were of good quality, not too large and of even ripeness. They required very little sorting. Alcoholic degrees were certainly high, with some appellations exceeding 14, but most were below this level, and some even below 13. This may reflect a sluggish ripening process, with no visible signs of water stress. Acidity levels are in the low-average range.

    No problem with vinification...

    Here and there, a few cuvées require more aeration. But no chaptalization; sometimes a marginal correction of acidity. Very good conditions, then, which enabled very little interventionist winemaking. Juice yields were at the low end of the average range, so the grapes were not waterlogged.

    Surprises during « élevage »

    At the end of the vinification process, the wines already seemed very drinkable and easy. Malolactic fermentation started almost immediately, and most of them finished before the end of the year. In principle, we don't like this too much, believing that a pause between the two fermentations is beneficial for the wine's structure. However, the first surprise was that this "malo" went virtually unnoticed during tasting and didn't seem to affect the wines. Then, spring and early summer confirm the widespread impression of the beginning of 2023: the wines became tighter, acquiring a verticality and structure unsuspected during vinification. This could also be observed in the analysis: pH levels did not increase between the beginning and end of malo, contrary to the rule. A phenomenon that occurs only once every 10 years...

    So much so that this vintage, which started out soft and which we thought during vinification might lack nerve, has now become more assertive and structured. It seems complete and has a bright future ahead of it. With this aspect of things assured, the work in preparation for bottling consisted of relaxing the wines, opening them up, giving them time to observe and taste before launching them into their life in the bottle. All this was done to avoid too much "closure".

    Although tasting recommendations will insist on a certain amount of ageing, it could well be that certain wines are good to drink at almost every stage of their evolution: flattering in their youth, acquiring tension with time while remaining balanced and approachable. An uncommon phenomenon, but made possible, if not probable, by the evolution observed in the cellar, and our after bottling tastings, already showing a nice integration.

    Bourgogne Hautes de Côtes de Nuits « Clos St Philibert »

    The nose is open, typical of "Clos St Phi": pebbles, yellow fruit and pear, with a few herbaceous aromas and a hint of vanilla.

    The palate is beautifully balanced, with a round attack, just the right amount of concentration in the middle, and a tangy, citrusy finish.

    A lively wine, not aggressive or biting, but rather exciting! In short, it's a vintage that's well representative of the appellation. It's set to refresh us for the next 10 years!

    BOURGOGNE CÔTE D'OR ROUGE « Etienne Camuzet »

    A lovely nose, opening with notes of strawberry and wild strawberry, then cherry, underpinned by a few acidulous and spicy aromas.

    The palate is caressing, light and smooth, tasty, before a slightly more structured, acidic finish.

    This really is a lovely wine, fine and complex for a Bourgogne, without austerity (the tannins are supple) but with a certain uprightness that suggests it will benefit from waiting a few years. Longer aging, up to 2035, is also quite conceivable.

    BOURGOGNE CÔTE D'OR ROUGE « Hémisphère Nord »

    The nose is open, with aromas of black fruit, particularly cherry; no new barrels were used on this cuvée, but there is a touch of more toasted wood, evoking licorice in particular.

    The wine is caressing on the palate, with a fine initial texture but then more verticality and uprightness than the "Etienne Camuzet" cuvée. The finish is a little shorter.

    A beautiful energy, a wine that also seems good to drink, with a certain lightness that gives it drive! It can be drunk from 2025 onwards.


    The nose gradually opens up with aeration, developing notes of black fruit, with vegetal touches and a slightly toasted woodiness.

    The palate is supple at first, but soon appears rather vertical, with an acidic and tannic structure that appears from the middle of the tasting. These elements remain present on the finish, without dominating.

    This wine seems a little reserved today, but has great potential; it would therefore be wiser to wait until 2027 before drinking it.


    A medium-intensity nose of red and black fruits with jammy notes and lightly toasted wood. An already delicious start!

    The palate is full and lush, the mid-palate texture caressing, before a finish where more pronounced tannins tighten the overall impression.

    So many assets for this charming wine, but perhaps a little less integrated at this stage than usual. Here too, waiting until 2027 will be beneficial.


    Logically, given the presence of new barrels, the nose opens with sweet (vanilla, caramel) but well-integrated notes. Then the fruit appears, with a variety of red and black fruits, as well as a more surprising but very pleasant hint of iodine.

    The palate is very caressing, ample, giving a sensation of lusciousness, before a fresh and always tasty finish.

    It's a wine that's both pleasant and complex, with good concentration and length. What's astonishing is that it's still very approachable - you're already enjoying it! It can also be kept for 10 years if you prefer.


    The first nose is mentholated, with hints of smoky black tea, then with aeration, some fruits. The whole is charming and appetizing, though still a little discreet.

    The palate is compact and concentrated. The texture is fine, but at the same time there's a certain verticality, with fruits expressing themselves more than on the nose, and the tasting ends on slightly tight tannins.

    Promising balance, more vivacity and firmness than the Nuits, so waiting a little is advised. From 2027.

    A pretty, open, gourmand nose greets you with notes of cherry, black fruit and pastry; then we discover a slightly smoky, spicy aspect, which brings additional freshness in support. 

    The palate is caressing from the start, the mid-palate savory, all very fresh, from start to finish.

    It's an easy, seductive wine, with great energy and an ethereal quality that makes it easy to drink. Well in line with its predecessors, we still recommend waiting a few years, despite its approachability. From 2027.



    Lovely, open nose, dominated by ripe red fruits, enhanced by spices, some herbaceous notes and well-integrated wood.

    On the palate, a fine texture, some amplitude and caressing tannins, good fruit vivacity... But also a certain tension and shyness, tannins a little tight in the finish... suggesting that the wine is not fully expressing itself today.

    But it doesn't need much to reach its potential and express a harmony we feel is close at hand: a few years of aging... From 2028-2029.


    The nose is open and powerful, evoking red and black fruits (blueberry), supported by a slight sweetness, which accentuates the gourmandise!

    The palate is beautifully textured, with caressing tannins that are more voluptuous than usual for this wine. However, its characteristic acidity returns on the finish.

    Despite its extrovert side, it would be wise to wait a few years before tasting it, for a better integration of the freshness. From 2029.


    The aromas are blacker and darker than Nuits Boudots. These two wines are often compared... Also open, the Murgers has a more pronounced spiciness and mintiness, with aromas of black fruit and licorice. In any case, it shows great complexity right from the opening.

    On the palate, a very fine texture, generous but dense and collected. A certain straightforwardness from the middle of the tasting, though brightened by the fruit, which expresses itself almost more than on the nose. The finish is tight but long.

    A very fine wine, which has everything to become great... Even if we already appreciate its power and energy today, a few years should give it additional integration and, therefore, complexity. Ideally not before 2034.


    A very open wine right from the start! A variety of red fruits, supported by sweet aromas (almond, nougat) explode into a beautiful bouquet.

    The palate is more compact than the nose would suggest, with a lovely texture, caressing tannins and a delicious mid-palate... Only the finish is slightly tight, carried by acidity and enhanced by spicy notes.

    This is a very elegant wine, albeit with a certain tension and a little more density than usual. It should therefore be waited for to be tasted at its peak. From 2028.


    The bouquet is very seductive, with a nose of cherry and pastry aromas that make it insanely gourmand. A slight hint of smokiness and spiciness, of black tea, adds even more complexity.

    This wine also has a lovely mouthfeel, with caressing tannins and a full, palate-coating texture. The finish is slightly tight, but neither biting nor strict.

    As always, this is a generous wine which, although it seems accessible today, can still develop. Wait until 2030.


    Right away, beautiful aromas of black and red fruits. Vegetal and smoky notes add complexity to this already charming ensemble!

    The palate is full-bodied, rather dense and deep. The tannins are caressing, but the finish is tighter than the Chambolle Cras and the wood is still a little present.

    This wine clearly has great potential, but with its slight residual austerity, it will need ageing to fully integrate. From 2028.


    The first nose is open and expressive, revealing cherries, a slight sweetness and, gradually, a mentholated, spicy edge. It's already very tasty!

    On the palate, there's a lovely texture and quite some density also, but the wine remains very charming and finishes on a very pleasant saline impression.

    It's hard to resist this wine, which is almost approachable right now! However, a little ageing to fully integrate it is recommended. From 2026.


    The first nose is shy: some black fruits, smoky and spicy notes, menthol, which gives an impression of freshness (although not from whole grapes).

    On the palate, despite its roundness and silky texture, the wine appears compact and doesn't fully open up. The finish, however, is not devoid of pleasure, with good length and freshness.

    Overall, this wine shows good balance, and appears fine and charming as a Chambolle should be. It needs to relax a little, and a few years' ageing should help achieve this. From 2029-30.


    The nose is complex: black and red fruits, smoky tea, licorice, peppermint, spices... Quite rich and exotic!

    The palate is smooth, full and powerful, without being heavy. The finish is slightly tannic, with noticeable tannins.

    This wine makes a very good impression: friendly, but with potential and tension, it therefore needs ageing to be fully appreciated. From 2029.


    The bouquet, full and seductive, is imposing from the outset: red and black fruits, notably cherry, sweet aromas of almond and brown sugar, a hint of menthol...

    The palate is more compact: lots of finesse but also straightforwardness, which suggests that this wine is not yet fully open. The finish is long and the tannins caressing, with perhaps a more marked presence of wood.

    A lot of deliciousness for this emblematic cuvée of our estate and village, favored by a beautiful maturity and tempered by the natural delicacy of this appellation. This promises great balance and tasting pleasure in the long term. From 2030 minimum.


    The nose is also very open, expressing cherry and black fruit, as well as a darker side of licorice and smoky notes. There's a hint of herbs (mint, eucalyptus), sugar (brown sugar) and wood.

    The palate combines straightforwardness and texture: compact, fresh, with a tannic presence that gives it a serious side, all the while benefiting from a beautiful envelope.

    It's a powerful wine, quite imposing overall, with noticeable tannins, so it has to wait. But it's already delivering well and showing good balance. From 2030.


    Black fruit, licorice, a touch of violet and cherry brandy, a peppery edge reminiscent of Syrah... All these elements make up a complex, seductive nose.

    On the palate, finesse dominates, with a certain uprightness, a tasty mid-palate and a fresh, spicy finish.

    The 2022 vintage offers a typical expression of this usually fine, caressing wine with lovely balance. It can be opened in a year or two, out of curiosity, but to reach its full potential, it should be aged for at least 7 or 8 years.


    The first impression on the nose is one of deliciousness and power: ripe red fruit, smoky notes, but also freshness, which provides a welcome support.

    On the palate, the wine is full-bodied, round and enveloping, and unfolds throughout the tasting. The finish is mineral and tightly wound, supporting the wine without weighing it down.

    Here too, a Corton Rognet in the grand tradition of this majestic wine, with obvious potential. Despite its current seductiveness, you'll have to wait and see: the only downside currently is that the oak still needs to be fully integrated. From 2030.


    The nose is open, with red berries and a candied, gourmand quality. A touch of menthol and floral notes add a touch of freshness.

    The palate is generous on the attack: full-bodied, lush, with caressing tannins. After this fine start, the mid-palate is more discreet but nonetheless tasty. The finish is tighter, but helps to sustain and lift the wine.

    A very fine wine indeed, with many assets but still lacking a little integration. Count on another 5 to 10 years for all the elements to fall into place, guaranteeing a magnificent tasting experience!


    Open nose of black fruit: cherry, blueberry, raspberry; supporting notes of liquorice, vanilla wood; a little seriousness too, with smoky, spicy notes.

    The palate is characterized by deliciousness, immediately tempered by finesse and elegance, with a certain straightforwardness and precision. The finish is rather mineral and serious, with some woody notes yet to be integrated.

    A very fine, caressing wine, still a little compact, but in any case very true to itself. It needs to develop a patina and integrate certain elements that are still a little too obvious, but we can see a first tasting window between 2026 and 2028 and a second from 2034 onwards.

    A truly seductive, even enchanting nose, with a variety of aromas: black and red fruit of course, violet, zest, spices, tobacco and more...  

    The palate is very caressing yet compact, at least in keeping with the nose. There's a great deal of precision and an energetic finish, all of which remains seductive; no harshness to be feared.

    A very fine wine, currently demonstrative, but which still needs to wait (2030 or more likely 2032) to integrate some elements that are still a little too prominent today.


    Here too, the nose is very open, leaning more towards ripe red fruit, with herbaceous (rhubarb), spicy and gourmand (praline, caramel) touches.

    Very fine, full-bodied mouthfeel, in keeping with the nose; a lot of body and tenderness in this wine, with a fresh, spicy finish showing caressing tannins.

    There's an easier, more affordable side to this wine than usual, and there's probably a tasting window (with careful aeration) on the Clos Vougeot model: first between 2026 and 2028, then from 2034 onwards.


    This wine shows a lot from the outset, its nose is complex and rewarding: concentrated, ripe black fruits, even reminiscent of Syrah in some respects; notes of tea, spices, a touch of citrus and herbs reminiscent of geranium... In short, it's worthy of a great perfume.

    On the palate, the texture gives an impression of depth and power. Then, quite quickly, the acidity appears and dominates the end of the tasting.

    The wine obviously has the body and concentration to integrate this acidity, but it will take time and patience (unless you want to enjoy the aromas) to wait until at least 2034.


    The nose is darker than that of previous wines: black fruits, notes of truffle, meat, a smoky aspect from the barrel... give a very deep character to this first contact.

    On the palate, a very fine texture at the start, leaving an impression of softness; the middle of the tasting is fine and savory, before a tighter, very long finish.

    Not really closed but still a little reserved, this is a solid wine with a promising future. There's no point in opening it now, as it should only reach its full potential from 2035 onwards.